Remote and Off-the-Grid...
The Campanario Biological Station lies in the humid tropical lowlands of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica and stretches approximately 170 acres inland from coastal zones, with elevations from sea level to 155 meters above. The topography is undulating with the prominent landmark being Point Campanrio, or Punta Campanario in Spanish.
Campanario borders on the Pacific Ocean and, due to its strategic location, serves as part of a buffer zone to protect one of the hemisphere’s richest, wildest and most spectacular natural areas: Corcovado National Park. Corcovado, often referred to as the “crown jewel” of Costa Rica’s renowned system of protected areas, contains a high percentage of the country’s species diversity and is one of the last remaining pristine and truly remote regions in the country. Campanario, sharing the same ecosystems, seeks to expand and protect what is left of the natural areas in this region.
Corcovado National Park is within walking distnce of Campanario, however, other protected lands within close proximity include: Caño Island Biological Reserve, Sierpe-Terraba Forest Reserve, Piedras Blancas National Park, Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, and the Golfito Wildlife Reserve. Click here for more information about Corcovado National Park.
Campanario’s map coordinates are: latitude: 8.38.542 degrees north, longitude: 83.43.532 degrees west
The Campanario Biological Station can be found on Google Maps. Type in “Point Campanario, Costa Rica” or “Campanario Biological Station”, and as you zoom in on the Pacific side of the northern Osa Peninsula, the indicator for Campanario will appear.